About Cosmetic Acupuncture
Acuregen’s Unique Approach to cosmetic acupuncture is a very special all-in-one treat. This is an ADVANCED FACIAL. We use the finest quality specialist needles created by Founder, Amanda Shayle. These are inserted into the skin of the face, neck and body for a natural anti-ageing treatment that aims to rejuvenate overall elasticity and complexion.
How does it work? Needles produce a micro-injury to the skin which creates a healing response. Known as collagen-induction - this is the way the body heals tissue after the initiation of ‘acute inflammation’. Our treatments are very gentle and stepped-up as the (recommended) course of 1.5 hour sessions progresses.
We also work with body and ear acupuncture to relax you as this improves healing response. As many beauty concerns arise from reduced health - we work on that too, using acupuncture, LED Light Therapy, Sound/Vibration therapy and more. We also now have activated oxygen therapy (Vital Air 5). Every session will be different as part of the ‘treat’ to ensure you FEEL LOVED AND LOOK LOVED!
Setting time aside from her teaching schedule for her patients.
Amanda is opening a new clinic every Wednesday in Highgate Village. Starting 6 September 2023.
Reduces open pores and scar tissue
Reduces puffy eyes, face, throat and body
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Improves skin discolouration and moisture balance
Gives complexion a fresher glow due to increased circulation
Lifts and tones sagging muscles and skin - often referred to as a natural face lift
Improved sleep, relaxation and many more health benefits
What about medical micro-needling?
On your initial consultation we will discuss your tailored treatment plan with you. These treatments initiate a process of changes which is why a 6 to 12 sessions of cosmetic acupuncture over a 3 month period is recommended. Medical micro needling can be part of this treatment and is monthly, punctuated by cosmetic acupuncture to maintain cellular response. You may see these changes quickly but real results (you will be advised about outcomes) will normally take about 3 months - rather like a plant. A seed cannot produce flowers overnight.
If medical micro-needling is recommended (skin roller or pen) we will usually wait until the 4th week to ensure your skin and you are ready for this step up. Our techniques are very gentle - treat not trauma. We will punctuate such sessions with cosmetic acupuncture and give you homework. We are your health team partner. Gentle regular treatments promote better results.
Commonly Asked Questions
Does it hurt?
Acupuncture is a relatively painless treatment due to the fine needles that are used in the modern acupuncture clinic. Acuregen method uses specialist needles and employs techniques that reduce sensation even on the most sensitive areas of the face. Thrive needles are not scary to look at and are even more painless and effective than normal acupuncture needles.
How long until the results show?
From the first treatment there will be changes as we adjust muscle tone, release scar tissue, reduce inflammation and hydrate your skin. It will depend on the treatment specifics - it’s designed for you. This is, however, a progressive treatment and we set off a series of gradual changes. Think of a nurtured plant and how that develops over time in the right environment.
How long will they last?
Health and wellbeing is key to seeing results and maintaining them. So, lifestyle - particularly diet, hobbies and other activities may have contributed to the problem in the first place. You will receive ‘constitutional’ acupuncture to help progress treatments and improve your health and relaxation at the same time. This is significant for achieving and maintaining outcomes. Improved sleep and having more energy is regularly reported as unexpected benefits by our patients. We do recommend regular maintenance treatments which may be monthly and then spread to longer periods.
What are the long term results like?
Amanda tells her patients “You will never be the same again - in a good way!” With our teamwork strategies and your new understanding, we regularly see issues continue to improve well beyond sessions in our clinic.
Is there any ‘down time’ or side affects?
It is common to see a rosy flush/glow in the skin as circulation is improved. This will pass quickly, with our skincare assisting with this. Even with our gentle approach to microneedling, any redness will pass within 24 hours. We will take a detailed medical history, plan and adjust your treatment to avoid bruising which is a risk in any facial procedure. That said, the Acuregen method and training is particularly aimed at reducing trauma to skin and beneath, pain and bruising risk. Treatments that create trauma can be less effective, carry risks and reduce the very tissue response they are trying to promote.