Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatments
Acuregen’s Unique Approach to cosmetic acupuncture is a very special all-in-one treat. This is an ADVANCED FACIAL. We use the finest quality specialist needles created by Founder, Amanda Shayle. These are inserted into the skin of the face, neck and body for a natural anti-ageing treatment that aims to rejuvenate overall elasticity and complexion.
Acuregen treatments are a blend of constitutional (health) acupuncture and facial work. A difference is drawn between the two aspects of a treatment, as well as how this is performed. We integrate LED Light Therapy to enhance the healing effect of the needles. This is important as we are regenerating collagen, elastin and improving circulation to the tissue. Fascia release techniques using Heskier method, instead of traditional Gua Sha, also improves circulation and combined with needles is an effective way to release subdermal ‘scar’ tissue. In addition to using our specialist Thrive intradermal needles for specific issues, we employ a very gentle approach to medical microneedling. Our whole treatment concept is THE TREAT to enable you and your skin to FEEL LOVED and LOOK LOVED.